Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Reminder: Interview

You will be writing about the life of someone in your family. You should choose someone in your family who is older than you to interview about their experiences. 
First, write down 8-12 questions to ask. Your need to find out the following information from your relative:
  • Details about his/her birth, family, and significant events in his/her life
  • Stories about their accomplishments or things they are proud of
  • Stories about difficult experiences or problems they had to overcome
  • The most important people in his/her life (and why)
In addition, you should ask one other family member how they would describe your chosen relative.
After you have decided on the questions you will ask, talk to the person and write down the answers they give you.
Your notes (questions & answers) from your interview are due in class on Wednesday, Feb. 15.

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