Thursday, May 3, 2012

VLD Week 3

Give your new post this title: VLD Week 3


Interview one of the women in the story (Ly, Xuyen, Aunt Binh, or Ah Soong), and create a transcript of the interview.  Ask your character 4-6 questions about events that have happened in Parts 1-3 of the story.  Your character should reveal their thoughts, feelings, and actions when answering the question.

Remember to write in the format of an interview, as shown below.

Your entry should be 250-300 words in length.

Transcript Example:

Reporter: How did you feel when you finally finished your new book?

Author: I felt absolutely fantastic!  I had been writing my book for the last four years.  So when I finally finished I had a big celebration with my family and friends. We went to a fancy restaurant and I read my favorite section to all of my guests.  Seeing their happy faces made me proud of my work.

Reporter: What inspired you to write this story?

Author: Well, when I was 13 I had my first love.  Of course, now that I am married I have moved on, but I wanted to write a book that teens would understand and enjoy.  My favorite section is inspired by the day he asked me out for the first time.  I was standing by the bus stop and he pulled up with a couple of friends and I had to choose which seat I should take:  the front or the back.  Clearly, I chose the one next to him.  And the rest is history!

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