Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Reminder: Bible Story Assignment

[This is an in-class assignment. You do not need to post this in your blog.]
Guidelines for writing your Bible Story:
  • Choose a Bible Story that you would like to re-write. It should be a passage of about 10-15 verses in length
  • Take notes on the important parts of the story--the ones you will need to include in your story.
  • Re-write the same story creatively, from the perspective of the main character. 
    • Your story should be in first person.
    • Include dialogue (conversations)
    • Add extra details (feelings, descriptions of people and places, etc.) to make the story interesting, while making sure it is still an accurate story.
    • The entire story should be around 300 words in length.
  • Please come to class on Wednesday knowing which story you will write about. (You do not need to have any of it written yet.)

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