Thursday, April 19, 2012

VLD Week 1

Give your post this title: VLD Week 1

Part A:
Scenario: The government has wrongly accused your family of doing something that has made them very angry. Since they are threatening to take your home, your money, and separate your whole family in different parts of the country, your family has decided to escape. You are leaving tomorrow morning.

Imagine you will be leaving your home for a new, unfamiliar place. Your destination and future are both uncertain. In a letter, describe your fears, expectations, frustrations, hopes, and feelings about this situation. Your letter could be to a close friend or relative.

Your letter should be in paragraph form, 300-350 words in length (So write thoughtfully with plenty of detail!)

Part B:
Re-read the beginning of chapter 8 (pages 607-608). These paragraphs describe what each person in the family dreamt or did the night before they left. Think about the letter you wrote in Part A, and explain which character best shows how YOU would have felt the night before leaving. Explain your answer. (4-5 sentences)

This post is due at the end of class today (you may NOT finish at home).

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