Thursday, February 16, 2012

Project #5 - Biography

Assignment Instructions:
1.  Create a new post with the title, "Project #5 - Biography"

2. Type the final draft of your biography into the new post.

3.  When you are finished, look back at your writing and highlight areas were you included specific elements of biography. (please highlight phrases and sentences, not whole paragraphs.)
      a) Accomplishments/things that the person is proud of = BLUE
      b) Problems/obstacles the person faced = RED
      c) Important people/places in the person's life = GREEN
      d) Quotations from the interview = PURPLE

4. Finally, add you answer to the following question at the bottom of you post:
      1. What did you learn while doing this project?  (4-5 sentences)

This project is due Sunday, February 19th, at 8pm.

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