Friday, February 10, 2012

Project #4 - Alphabiography


1. Create a new post with the title, "Project #4 - Alphabiography".

2. Type the final draft of your 12 autobiography paragraphs into the new post.
  • Include a heading for each paragraph -- to make each letter stand out.
  • Put your paragraphs in alphabetical order -- (unless it makes most sense in the order you wrote).
3. When you are finished, add your answers to these questions at the bottom of your post.
  1. In 4-6 sentences, describe the process of writing your alphabiography. (Did you decide on 12 letters first, or did you write a paragraph at a time? What did you enjoy? What did you do well? Which stories are your favorites? How did you decide which parts of your life to include vs. leave out?)
  2. List & Explain 3 objective details and 3 subjective details you have included in your writing.
  3. What did you do really well in your autobiography (being descriptive? developing characters?), and what was hardest for you (explaining things in only a few sentences? using strong, vivid words?)? 
This completed post is due by Sunday, February 12 at 8:00pm.

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